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Common Errors You’ll Encounter On Your Website

Common Errors You’ll Encounter On Your Website

For a website to be successful, it needs to be free of errors.

However, mistakes do happen and there are a few common errors that you’ll encounter in your web presence. 

1. Error 404: Not Found

This error occurs when a user attempts to access a page on your website that doesn’t exist. This can occur due to an incorrect URL, or if the page has been removed or deleted from the site.

2. Error 500: Internal Server Error

A server-side issue has caused this error and could be any number of issues, such as database errors, programming errors, or configuration problems with the server. It’s important to check the web server and application log files for more information about what may have caused this error.

3. Error 503: Service Unavailable

This is likely due to a temporary overload or maintenance of your website by your hosting provider. In most cases, users will simply need to wait a few moments before the website is back online.

4. Error 400: Bad Request

This error occurs when there is an issue with the syntax of the request sent to the server. It could be due to incorrect formatting, such as missing headers or parameters, invalid data types, etc. Try checking your request and making sure everything is in order before resending it to the server.

5. Error 502: Bad Gateway

This error means that one server received an invalid response from another server while attempting to fulfil a request. It’s usually caused by issues like misconfigured proxy servers or firewalls, so you’ll need to check those settings first if this error arises.

6. Broken Links: 

Links that lead nowhere are not just annoying – they also disrupt the user experience and could result in visitors leaving your site before exploring further. Keep an eye on external links you include and make sure to regularly review those hosted on your website.

7. Lack of Originality: 

Duplicate content can harm your search engine rankings and will generally provide visitors with a subpar user experience due to the lack of originality. Create unique content and ensure you’re not copying any text from other websites.

8. Lack Of Mobile Optimization: 

More and more people are using their phones to browse the web, so make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices. If it isn’t, a significant portion of users might leave your site after encountering a poor user experience.

9. Poor Navigation: ‘

The structure and navigation of your website should be intuitive and easy to use; otherwise, visitors will find it difficult to discover new pages or navigate back to ones they have already visited, leading them away from your website altogether. Ensure that all links are clear and that there are no roadblocks in the user journey.

10. Unattractive Design

First impressions count, and if your website looks unprofessional or outdated, it could put off potential customers from exploring further. Invest in a great design that not only looks good but also effectively serves its purpose.

11. Not Considering SEO: 

Search engine optimization is essential for visibility and should be included in the design process from the beginning. This ensures that your website will be accessible to search engines and provide visitors with the relevant content they’re looking for – two key indicators of a successful site. 

Invest in SEO to optimize your website. For help, just click on Sefe Marketing

12. Not Utilizing Analytics: 

Knowing who visits your website and how they interact with it is essential for understanding what works and what doesn’t. Invest in analytics tools to monitor user behaviour, check the performance of your site, and make informed decisions about improvements you can make.

It’s important to always keep an eye out for these common errors, as they can give you valuable insight into the performance of your website and help you diagnose issues quickly. By addressing these errors on time, you can ensure that your website runs optimally and keeps visitors coming back.

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